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Home Styling

What to Buy : Organizing Makeup

Organization, Home Styling, New York CityAnnie & MichelleComment
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Whether you wear a lot or a little, you still need to figure out the best way to store it. Laying flat or standing up or in a box; there is no right way to do it – it is just a matter of figuring out what works best in the space that you have available. If you are looking to tackle your make-up at home, check out some of our top make-up organizing product picks to help you tackle the job in style.  

Happy Organizing!

Tiered Mirror Tray (Pottery Barn)

If you like to keep your makeup out and on display, this is a pretty option to make it a center piece of your space – the ultimate beautification station!

Alex Drawer Unit (Ikea)

If drawer space is at a premium, you can use countertop products like this white drawer unit which can hold and hide many of your essentials all the plain sight. 

Lori Greiner Deluxe Cosmetic Organizer (Amazon)

This deluxe cosmetic organizer has a compartment for just about everything so even the most sophisticated makeup gal will be able to contain her supplies. 

Luxe Acrylic Drawer Inserts (Container Store)

If you have drawer space to spare, these luxe acrylic drawer inserts are a beautiful way to keep things neat and tidy. 

Assorted Drawer Inserts (Amazon)

A more affordable but equally effective drawer insert option to sort and organize your makeup for an easy “get ready” routine. 

Space Saving Pods (Container Store)

If space is at a premium, these pods are amazing for storing items in cabinets and/or on walls. We even fashioned our own small beauty storage piece and blogged about it here

If you want to keep reading about makeup, here is our post on when to toss makeup and, if you are in the shopping mood, we wrote here about how to store big toys.

Our Services: Home Staging

Organization, Home Styling, Moving, Space DesignAnnie & MichelleComment

Our projects aren’t always about unpacking boxes and setting up new systems, designing or redesigning closets or even decluttering spaces to make them more livable. Sometimes our job is to help stage a home so it is ready to go on the market. However, unlike typical home stagers, we don’t bring in all new furniture and “re-do” the house.

Instead, we declutter the house to show off the best features and use what the home owners already have to make the space look as marketable as possible to potential buyers. This is a more cost effective way to get the house ready and can actually help set the stage for a smoother transition if the owners are willing to focus on decluttering the space of unwanted and unused items.

The basic DIY package involves an in-person meeting - typically about an hour long. We walk-through the home and see what needs to be done to get it ready and a follow-up document recapping our notes from the visit – your homework so to speak.

Sometimes it is as easy as swapping or adding lights to a room and rearranging closets but other times the process can involve a partial move out of the house with excess furniture and items that are cluttering the home but need to be kept. And, the work doesn’t have to be completed alone, we can always come in and help make the shifts required to make the house stand out in the market.

Happy Organizing!

How to Maximize Space in an Apartment

Home Styling, OrganizationAnnie & MichelleComment
Henry & Higby_space saving trundle bed

As city dwellers, we know how to make the most of small spaces because we have been living in them and helping other people live in them for years. Being organized is definitely helpful when living in a smaller space but that doesn't solve all problems - that is where space planning comes in.  So, learn how to make the most of your space with these suggestions. 

Trundle Bed: Growing up in the suburbs, I loved having a trundle bed for sleepovers and guests and it is still a great way to make the most of a smaller bedroom. We use them in kids rooms so that they always have a place for friends to sleep and the best part they are easy to "install" just slide them under the bed and they are good to go. 

Murphy Bed: Space is at a premium in the city so don’t make that extra room just a bedroom. Install a murphy bed so you can actually use and enjoy the space when guest aren't around (which is likely most of the time).  

Banquette: Save some space in your eat-in kitchen or dining area by building a bench against the wall and moving your dining table next to it. This will give you extra space in the room and a little extra flexible seating on the bench. 

How do you save space in your home?


If you are looking for more general tips on making the most of a small space, please check out our other post here.  

How to Organize Your Bathroom

Organization, Home StylingAnnie & MichelleComment
Henry & Higby_How to Organize Your Bathroom

One of the best ways to start the day is with an organized bathroom. And, the good news is that by following just a few key tips, you can capture the beauty and serenity of spa at home and have all of your supplies at your finger tips. 

Mixing Form & Function: Beautify your shelves and counters by unboxing some of your daily supplies like Q-tips and cotton balls and placing them in pretty clear containers. You can use canisters from a bathroom set or you can even use Ball jars or inexpensive vases. They are pretty, functional and easy to clean when the time comes - just pop them in the dishwasher. 

Sources: One | Two | Three

Finding New Purpose: Maximizing storage space in your bathroom is just like maximizing storage space in any other room of your home so it is okay to steal some tricks from the kitchen. Lazy Susans make corners more accessible no matter where you use them and plastic pantry bins are good for gathering like items - nail polish, sunscreen, travel toiletries - in cabinets all over the home. 

Sources: One | Two | Three

Putting it on Display: If you like to keep extra towels and items out of the closet, use pretty baskets or catchall containers that are nice to look at when out on display. 

Sources: One | Two | Three

Making Up your Make-up: Finally treat your make-up with a little respect by using a make-up organizer. That doesn’t mean that you have to place it on the counter for all to see (placing it in a cabinet is okay) but you will definitely find your morning routine is much easier when you can see all your products at once. 

Sources: One | Two | Three

Shopping Your Closet: Gather your extra toiletries and store like items together in clear bins under the sink or in your linen closet. Clear bins make it easy to shop your house before heading out to the pharmacy to pick up any items you may need. 

Sources: One | Two | Three

What are your favorite bathroom storage solutions? 

Creating a Welcoming Entry Way

Home Styling, OrganizationAnnie & MichelleComment

A warm and welcoming entry way is as important as a firm handshake. It ensures a good first impression which is why we are excited to help a client find ways to make her entry welcoming and functional because form without function is just a waste of time and space. 

For this project, we need some smart solutions since the front door opens into a hallway that connects the living and sleeping areas of the home. With limited space, practicality is the name of the game so we are looking for items that don’t take up too much room and still provide some storage for the family. 

Our initial thoughts include a bench for next to the door, a boot tray for storing shoes under the bench and some catchall baskets for seasonal and dog-related accessories.

What are you favorite ways to create a welcoming entryway? 

Fireplace Fixings

Home StylingAnnie & MichelleComment

We have always loved a fire in the fireplace and the smell of burning logs. To us, it is a signal of the seasonal shift from fall to winter and absolutely one of our favorite times of year as nothing is cozier than snuggling near a fire to read with a cup of tea. 

Second only to our love of fireplaces is the process of selecting fireplace accessories which we have had the pleasure of doing recently for a client. Andirons, screens and baskets, oh my!

Screens: One | Two | Three | Four || Andirons: One | Two | Three | Four || Tools: One | Two | Three | Four  Firewood Baskets: One | Two | Three | Four  ||  Accessories: One | Two | Three | Four

What are your favorite fireside activities? 

Making Your Space Your Own

Home StylingAnnie & MichelleComment

Whether you own or rent your home, it is important to make the space feel like your own and there is no better way to do that than with some color and collectables. Here are a few nesting ideas for you to follow this fall to warm up and personalize your space. 

Adding Flair:  Even as a renter, you can add special touches to make your home feel like your own. If painting isn’t an option or is too much work, try removable wallpaper to warm up your space and make it more personal. It is pretty easy to apply and is easy to remove which makes it good for renters and owners alike. And, if you have children, adhesive wall decals are a fun way to temporarily personalize the space (Check herehere and here for some options). 

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Popping Colors: New throw pillows are one of the easiest ways to refresh your space. If selecting colors is tricky for you, try playing off backdrop colors. For example, if your windows overlook trees, try to pull some greens and browns into the space. Or consider taking risks and play around with bright and bold prints and patterns that may be a bit outside of your comfort zone.

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Framing it: Make the mementos from your life even more important by framing them. While framing can be expensive, it doesn't have to be that way. You can do it yourself with frames from stores like Ikea or even craft stores. 

One | Two | Three | Four

Making a Gallery: Put up a gallery wall or art display shelves to share your trinkets and treasures. It will warm up the space and give you a chance to relive the happy memories associated with the items every time you see them. Click here for tips on how to hang a gallery wall yourself at home.

Channeling the Spa: A few luxurious items can bring a spa-like feeling to any bathroom - new or old. A rich, thick bathmat, new monogrammed towels, some rich bath oils and a scented candle will add a touch of class to the room and make you forget - at least for a little while - about the old tiles. If you are looking for a less expensive refresh, consider buying a new shower curtain. It is an  easy and affordable way to spruce up your space while still having a big impact. 

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Finding your Scent: Add scented candles to make your home feel cozier and more intimate. Added bonus...who doesn’t look better in candlelight! A few of our favorites are below but remember that the type of scent you pick is a highly personal matter so take some time to check out lots of scents before making your final decision. 

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Making the Old New: New isn’t always better. Look for vintage pieces (maybe even from friends or family) to add character and a little sentimentality to your home. To make the pieces your own, add a fresh coat of paint or new fun fabrics that brighten them up and reflect a little more of your personality. 

Switching it Seasonally: Embrace the seasonal shifts and add some flair to your home that relates to each season. Rich colored pillows or throws (think jewel tones) for the fall, plaids around the holidays or pastels in the springtime. 

What are your favorite ways to personalize your space? 

Maximizing Storage in Small Spaces

Organization, Home StylingAnnie & MichelleComment

Substantial storage and outdoor spaces are luxuries not often afforded to those living in New York but that doesn’t mean that you can’t have a beautiful and livable space. Having lived in New York for over 20 years collectively, we know how to make the most of small spaces and have a few tips to share with you about making it work.

Creating Space: If you are living in a truly small apartment, create visual space by getting items off of the floor. From night stands to lamps and even bikes and scouters, mounting furniture and fixtures to walls will help create more actual floor space and make the space feel lighter. 

Doing Double Duty: The name of the game here is making your furniture work for you. Maximize storage by making each significant piece do double duty. This means that the stool in the corner should double as storage for your craft supplies or that the top of your ottoman coffee table should flip up to store offseason clothing.

One | Two | Three

Shelves on Shelves: When it doubt, put it on a shelf. A shelf can stand in for a night stand next to a bed or a display shelf for art in a living room or really anything. Put one above doors to your apartment for extra storage (we store extra paper products above ours) or consider mounting them closer to the ceiling all the way around the room for longer term storage. This will help maximize your living space and keep off seasonal items out of the way. 

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What are your favorite small space storage tips?