Henry & Higby Home Staging Services — Henry & Higby

Henry & Higby

Our Services: Home Staging

Organization, Home Styling, Moving, Space DesignAnnie & MichelleComment

Our projects aren’t always about unpacking boxes and setting up new systems, designing or redesigning closets or even decluttering spaces to make them more livable. Sometimes our job is to help stage a home so it is ready to go on the market. However, unlike typical home stagers, we don’t bring in all new furniture and “re-do” the house.

Instead, we declutter the house to show off the best features and use what the home owners already have to make the space look as marketable as possible to potential buyers. This is a more cost effective way to get the house ready and can actually help set the stage for a smoother transition if the owners are willing to focus on decluttering the space of unwanted and unused items.

The basic DIY package involves an in-person meeting - typically about an hour long. We walk-through the home and see what needs to be done to get it ready and a follow-up document recapping our notes from the visit – your homework so to speak.

Sometimes it is as easy as swapping or adding lights to a room and rearranging closets but other times the process can involve a partial move out of the house with excess furniture and items that are cluttering the home but need to be kept. And, the work doesn’t have to be completed alone, we can always come in and help make the shifts required to make the house stand out in the market.

Happy Organizing!