Henry & Higby

small spaces

Our Favorite Organizing Products for Small Space Living (Part 2)

Organization, Space DesignAnnie & MichelleComment

We love the challenge of organizing whether in big or small spaces. There is nothing more satisfying that coming up with a solution that works for the space and the client and makes their life better.  But the unsung hero of any job are the products that make it all possible so without further ado, here are a few of our recent favorites. Read on and happy organizing!



These self-adhesive pods are great for making the most of small cabinets without a lot of shelf space. 

Huggable Hangers

Slim line huggable hangers make a big difference when you are trying to fit more clothing into a smaller closet. And, if you do make the switch, you get the added benefit of having your closet look more organized since your eye isn't distracted by different types of hangers. 

Lazy Susan

Lazy Susan's are helpful in any tight space where accessibility is an issue so don't feel like you can only use this in the kitchen - take it into the bathroom, playroom or really any place in the home were it can make a difference. 

Undershelf Baskets 

Undershelf baskets are a great tool for maximizing cabinet space and can be used for almost anything from hand towels to mugs and even hair tools if you use it in the bathroom. 


If you are looking for more small space living tips and product recommendations, please check out our other posts on the topic here, here and here


Kitchen Organizing Tips

OrganizationAnnie & MichelleComment

Our kitchen day dreams are filled with visions of see-through refrigerators filled with beautiful produce (We’re looking at you, Yolanda Hadid!) and huge, bright pantries. However, the realities of New York living (think small apartments and cramped kitchens) dash many of those dreams and frankly a see-through fridge really isn’t practical. I mean I don’t think we want half-eaten pizza and last week’s Chinese takeout boxes on display for all to see - right?

Even if smaller space living is your reality, don’t despair! There are many ways to make the most of it and below are some of our favorite product picks for a beautifully organized kitchen regardless of size. 

Lazy Susan: Make the most of every nook and cranny of your kitchen by using a Lazy Susan. They can be placed in hard to reach corner cabinets or on deep shelves to make items more accessible. 

Sources: One | Two | Three

Shelf Liners: Make cleaning inside cabinets easy with plastic shelf liners like this one. Liners are particularly helpful in food storage areas in case of spills or drips.

Shelf Pullouts: Accessibility is an important part of organization. Add roll-out cabinet organizers to your lower cabinets so that you can easily reach items without straining your back and to maximize the space.

Source: One | Two | Three

Small Appliances: If space is really at a premium, try purchasing reduced size appliances to save room in your cabinets and/or on counters. The products function the same but the bowls are typically smaller - 3.5 quarts versus 5 quarts. 

Clear Storage Bins: Not everything needs a bin but they are helpful for keeping smaller “like” items together in your cabinets and drawers.  Use them in drawers to organize your kitchen tools and cutlery and in cabinets and pantries to make organizing food stuffs easier. 

Source: One | Two | Three

Canisters: One way to make your space look cleaner and more organized is by using the same style organizing containers. If you are looking for new options, we are big fans of using clear canisters for cooking and baking supplies like flour, sugar and mixes. Not only do they look nice but clear containers show you when you need to restock. 

Source: OneTwo | Three

Step Stools: Make good use of your upper cabinets and even the space between the cabinets and the ceiling with labeled storage bins. This will keep supplies out of sight but not out of mind. And, keep a step stool in the kitchen to making accessing those high up spaces a little easier. Folding step stools are good for saving space but we also love a rolling option as it is much easier to move around and it can stand in for an extra seat in a pinch. 

Source: One | Two | Three

Labels: The level to which you use labels to organize in your home is a personal decision but we do recommend them as an organizing tool. Clearly labels are great for containers holding specific items whether it is food or supplies but labels can also be helpful for creating designated areas in your home. For example, create sections in your pantry for breakfast foods, snacks or drinks. By sticking to categories on your labels, it is more likely that your family can and will help out and maintain it.

What are your favorite ways to keep your kitchen organized?

Maximizing Storage in Small Spaces

Organization, Home StylingAnnie & MichelleComment

Substantial storage and outdoor spaces are luxuries not often afforded to those living in New York but that doesn’t mean that you can’t have a beautiful and livable space. Having lived in New York for over 20 years collectively, we know how to make the most of small spaces and have a few tips to share with you about making it work.

Creating Space: If you are living in a truly small apartment, create visual space by getting items off of the floor. From night stands to lamps and even bikes and scouters, mounting furniture and fixtures to walls will help create more actual floor space and make the space feel lighter. 

Doing Double Duty: The name of the game here is making your furniture work for you. Maximize storage by making each significant piece do double duty. This means that the stool in the corner should double as storage for your craft supplies or that the top of your ottoman coffee table should flip up to store offseason clothing.

One | Two | Three

Shelves on Shelves: When it doubt, put it on a shelf. A shelf can stand in for a night stand next to a bed or a display shelf for art in a living room or really anything. Put one above doors to your apartment for extra storage (we store extra paper products above ours) or consider mounting them closer to the ceiling all the way around the room for longer term storage. This will help maximize your living space and keep off seasonal items out of the way. 

One | Two | Three

What are your favorite small space storage tips?