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Our Favorite Storage Hacks

OrganizationAnnie & MichelleComment

As organizers, we help people maximize their spaces to make them more functional. Most of the time the solutions are relatively simple but every once in a while we need to get a little creative to find a way to really maximize a small or odd shaped space. Sometimes this means finding that one unique organizing product that is a perfect fit and other times it is finding a favorite product from one area of the home and repurposing it for another. Below are some of our favorite recent storage hacks that repurpose products all across the home. Happy Organizing!

Variera Plastic Bag Dispenser

Need to store wrapping paper so that won't take up valuable floor space? Try using this plastic bag dispenser from Ikea to hold wrapping paper rolls in a closet. Just affix it to the wall and you are ready to start wrapping. 

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Clear Linus Divided Lazy Susan

Consider using this divided Lazy Susan intended for the kitchen in any room of the house such as the bathroom, craft room or even the basement. This workhorse piece can easily store - and make accessible - anything from toiletries and hair products to paints and markers. 

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InterDesign Affixx Adhesive Organizer Bins

Repurpose these larger adhesive organizing bins for the kitchen in your bathroom or other small space to keep counters clear and space maximized. 

Henry & Higby Storage Hacks Container Store

Anchor Hocking Glass Canisters with Glass Lids

Beautify your laundry room by removing laundry pods or even laundry powder from the packaging and putting it in one of these glass jars instead. Or if you are a user of liquid detergent and so inclined, you could even consider decanting the liquid into a glass drink dispenser

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Chrome Axis Over-the-Cabinet Grocery Bag Holder

No place to store your tin foil and plastic wraps? Use this over-the-cabinet grocery bag holder to fit three of your wraps instead and save drawer space for other items. 

What storage hacks have you used around the home? 


For more storage hacks, check out our beauty storage hack store here

Tips for Getting Organized (Part Two)

OrganizationAnnie & MichelleComment
Henry & Higby_Tips for Getting Organized

We have posted general tips for getting organized before and we will probably post about it again because who can't use a little help every once in a while? So...without further ado, here are some additional tips and tricks on simple ways to get yourself organized around the home. 

Command Center: Create a command center to house all of the paper and mail that comes into the home. At this stations, set up files for each member of the family so that you can house all of their important documents. (Click here for more information on paperwork management.)

Greetings & Salutations: Create a file with cards for all occasions so you are never caught empty handed again. I am a self-professed paper junkie so you may not need as many cards as I have at home but I do recommend buying cards when you see them and not just shopping when there is an immediate need. That way you aren’t in a bind next time an occasion comes up. 

Wrap it Up: Stop stressing about the never-ending cycle of gift purchasing and wrapping for birthdays by buying one fun gender neutral paper and then two colorful grosgrain ribbon options to jazz it up. Then use this paper throughout the year for birthdays and any other occasions that come up to eliminate some stress. We love using wrapping paper with stripes or geometric prints like this one or this one but any pattern will do! 

Go Bags: Always be prepared by having a couple of small toiletry bags packed with your essentials to pop into your purse, car glove compartment or gym bag as needed.  We like to include gum, extra hair ties, hand cream, a small mirror, lipstick or chapstick in our bag and bandaids for breaking in those new shoes, but you can really fill them with anything that you need regularly. And, if you have kids, check out our article on how to create one especially for them. 

What tricks do you have for staying organized?

If you are looking for more general tips on getting organized, please check out our other post here.  

Creating a To-Go Bag for Kids

OrganizationAnnie & MichelleComment

Kids can be unpredictable so it is up to parents and caregivers to try to prepare for the unknown everyday. For these unexpected moments, we recommend creating and carrying a to-go bag. This bag typically includes a few essential items that will help you deal with whatever comes your way. Below are some of the items we like to pack in our to-go bags. 

  • Mini First-Aid Kit including Band-aids, Antibiotic ointments, etc.
  • Sunscreen wipes
  • Wipes - we love Babyganics
  • Small reusable water bottles like klean kanteen
  • Snack packs
  • Copy of an Emergency Contact Sheet (Check here for more information on what to include on this sheet.)
  • A favorite small toy to distract them like our lego pack
  • A change of clothes depending on age of your child 

As for the to-go bag itself, we love Baggu zipper pouches but have also repurposed giveaway bags from make-up counters in a pinch (thanks, Clinique!). 

What would you add to your to-go bag? 

Organizing Your Life with Kids

OrganizationAnnie & MichelleComment

Life can be overwhelming enough with kids and partners and work and pets and friends and...all requiring time and attention. However, there are some things you can do now to get organized for life with kids that will help make your days a little easier. 

First Aid Kit: Create your own personalized first aid/allergy kit with a latched plastic box (like this or this) and put it somewhere central so it can be used should there be a situation. Be sure to add in a few character bandages (they make you feel better faster, right?) and any other products that your family needs and uses regularly including allergy medications, etc. Here is a resource for how to make your own kit and what to include. At the same time, think about creating a portable version in a small pouch for you or other supervising adults to bring when hanging with the kids outside of the home. 

Contact Sheet: An emergency contact sheet is very important not only for the sitter and any visiting family but also for your own peace of mind. Make a list of all important emergency contacts including the following: doctors, parents, key friends/family that could help in a jam, etc. Once this is created, make copies for friends and family and post one in a central part of the home - likely the kitchen - so that it is readily available in the event of an emergency. 

To-Go Bag: Make getting out of the house with kids easier by having a to-go bag with all of their favorite toys and essentials ready to go near the door. The bag can store their water bottles and favorite outdoor toys for time at the park but it can also serve as a place for them to put those toys and items when inside so that they don’t get lost. Also consider including an on-the-go first aid kit and a copy of the emergency contact sheet mentioned above. 

Kids in the Kitchen: Set aside an easily reached section of the kitchen for your kids lunch boxes, water bottles and treat containers so that they can learn how to put them back themselves. Giving them access to these items will help teach them a little independence and give you a bit of a break. 

Labels: Help stem the tide of missing items from clothing to cups to shoes with personalized labels. Look for washable ones like these or these to make sure that they aren't destroyed in the laundry or dishwasher.

What do you do to make life easier with children?